The Future of Communication Platforms for Parents
Last month I polled 28 parents from across the globe to ask them:
How many parenthood groups are you in?
75% were in under 5 groups and 25% were in 5+ groups.
What do you love about those groups?
Top answers were: peer to peer support, finding out activities for kids, socialization, information and referrals.
What do you wish there was less/more of in those groups?
Top answers were: more support for working moms, adult events, help with babysitting, less groups, order in the conversation and parent forums.
This feedback was very validating in the gaps we feel as parents during a time where humanity faces so many challenges. Families are more dispersed than ever, women aren’t getting the generational motherhood support like we used to.
Less and less generational motherhood knowledge is passed down. Then you layer on that 33% of mothers suffer from postpartum depression and it truly is a dark place. But where there is dark there must be light.
For me, I found the light in community. Specifically the magical Miami tech community. Organizations like @web3equity ran by Michelle Abbs are focused on pursuing gender equity in Web3 by increasing knowledge and providing a network & resources for women investors, collectors, and creators.
Ok but what is Web3? Put in plain text form, remember in 1994 when we were gearing up for dial up system AOL — well here we are almost 20 years later with the new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics.
Breaking it down here’s a quick summary of the progression.
Last month, I had the pleasure of co-facilitating a design thinking workshop for moms at TheVentureCity!
We walked through the first 3 steps of the Design Thinking Process and had a blast with step 3, ideate.
Imagine a world where parents have access within their communication platform to AI for problem solving and household management.
Or an experience where Alexa can help you to start planning your child’s birthday party! Imagine getting paid for your invisible labor through a “party token” with packages. Anything is possible in the early adoption phase of technology. We have an opportunity to co-create and design this reality!
Follow us at for more developments on this initiative!