Belize December 2020

Mama Rap from the Tropics

Daniela Alpert Santangelo


This is a safe place.

Worry free.

2 nights ago I took a red eye and didn’t sleep a peep.

What seemed so difficult easily washed away

when a rainbow appeared in the sky.

I’m that person that flips out at mother natures beauty.

When I’m restricted from the tropics I tend to go nutty.

Out of the weeds and into the sky’s,

the things I thought I needed once subsides.

The laundry, the toys, the dishes in the sink.

Hardly any time for me to even think.

Consumed by the tasks all of the place

I wasn’t quite sure how to live with the pace.

I hear this thing about kids growing up too fast,

but what if it didn’t feel like a thing of your past.

Tired of feeling guilty for things I didn’t do and want to be released from this thing that feels like taboo.

So what if I choose a lifestyle that feeds me, but not through my mouth instead through the infinite energy .

I believe in Gods creation Oceana and I want to get to know her because she treats me better.

Roughs me up on days that I need it, bc at the end of the day I still survived it.

What if that’s the thing. The fear we have with death and dieing. We all are united by dreaming and believing in something. Why stop there….


~Dream believe achieve~



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